Cynthia and Tevin are two very devoted people, to say the least. They met in college and their journey transformed into the people they are today. The way they support one another shows that they’re in this forever. They dated for a year before officially becoming a couple and moved to Austin after graduation. Shortly after, Tevin’s mother passed and they moved back to DFW to be closer to his family.
The day started like any other wedding day – with two people excited to get married to one another! Cynthia and Tevin’s daughter Rhea shared in this excitement as she got ready alongside her mother and wouldn’t leave her side.
Throughout the day, I caught Tevin smiling at Cynthia thinking to himself how lucky he is to have her in his life. At the end of the ceremony while they were exiting, I caught Tevin doing a little happy dance which shows that he really love Cynthia, to say the least. 😏
Friends and family really made this an unforgettable day for them by incorporating Tevin’s mom into their wedding day. Cynthia gave him pendant a with his mother’s photo on it and I got teary-eyed watching it 😭
A day celebrating the marriage of amazing people filled with wonderful friends and family alongside them is a blessing in my book! Cynthia and Tevin, as you two start this new chapter in your lives, I wish you all nothing but the best. May each day together be better than the last! ❤
DJ: @djalmostfamous
Makeup: Brandi Williams
Officiant: @joinedbyjasmyn
Photography: @chinsphotos @dunlapfilms